Successful prayer warriors listen
Prayer is meant to be two- way communication. It is not just about you talking to God; it is also about letting Him talk to you! In a two-way conversation, it is best to let the smarter one do most of the talking. God is infinitely. smarter than you, so you would do well to let Him dominate the conversation. This means that you should spend more time reading His Word than talking to Him. Jesus said , “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you” (John 15: 7). A key to successful prayer is meditating continually on the Word of God. Getting into the Word is part of prayer, so, you must include this practice as part of your prayer time.
A zip file compresses computer data so that it takes up less space on your computer. Zip files, however, cannot be read as they are . You must have a program that “unzips” them and grants you access to their contents. Similarly, the Lord’s Prayer is compressed. You must “unzip” the prayer in order to unlock its rich treasure trove of truths.